Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Website Building and 5 Free Tips For Beginners

Utilise the easy to use tools provided by a trusted and well-known company.

Always try before you buy...there should be a trial period available. Even if you have to pay a small fee it's always better to make use of a trial period.

Be sure they include tools like an auto responder system, email builder, html builder, data base, form builder and an affiliate linking system.

Work with and actually use the tools you've just been given...don't leave it till the end of your trial period. Start the same time your trial starts and build more than just one website. You should have fun doing this too.

Be sure they have easy to follow instructions...not a whole bunch of reading either. Just small snippets that are simple and easy to follow is much easier. The best ones will also have even easier to follow video tutorials like the one I learnt on. This can be a real bonus for those of you who are like me and really struggle getting your head around instructions.

Here's How I Found This Stuff Works

When I was a beginner who knew nothing about building a web site I struggled. I struggled for over a year trying to get a simple website up and running. Because I didn't know how to do it myself I had the following problems.

It took time to get any changes done by my web site designer. Sometimes a day and sometimes a week.

The web site designer had total control of everything I wanted.

The web site cost me an absolute fortune...over $4,000

The website produced less then $100 after being online for one year.

I'm willing to bet that if you're reading this article you're having similar troubles right. Let's make things very easy for you.

There are more levels of education for you to learn but for now lets start with step one...getting your first website up and running.

You can start by shopping around and asking good questions of companies like,

- What is included in my web site building tools? Make sure they include the same items I mentioned in point number 3 at the very top of this article.

- Make sure you ask about a trial period. After all if you can't work with their software you will need an exit strategy...not a long term monthly contract.

- Lastly you will need some marketing tools so once you build your website people will know where to find you. Be sure they have (included in the price) back office marketing material. This is THE MOST important part.

Because starting out is and was the toughest part for me I now share how I effectively achieved my first web sites and how anyone can build as many web sites as they want by simply making use of simple and easy to use website building tools online.

For someone who had no idea it was challenging and confusing but it's now a cinch...even for a complete beginner. Since I started (February 2007) using easy to use website building tools I've built over 24 websites. Once you have the use of tools you can easily follow it makes building a website a breeze.

In my struggle over the past two years and not submitting to the feeling of quitting I've learnt much. I hope with the little I've shared here it will be enough to help you get off and running to save a fortune on building your first website and successfully choose a website company that is right for you.

If you don't known how to build your own web site but would like to learn from the very same easy site builder I personally used then you can. Best of all you can now try it FREE for 14 Days. If you need any help my contact details are there for you too.

Head on over to Now you can get a free 14 day test drive.
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